Heating Your Home with Your Fireplace
Fireplaces that use coal or logs provide a lot of heat. They can keep your room toasty warm at a cheaper price when you compare with the cost of using central heating to keep warm. Is it possible though, to heat your entire home and get through winter through the use of one fireplace? We'll give you some tips to get that hot air moving to help you keep your entire home warm throughout the winter.
Ideally, your fireplace should be positioned in a central location within your home on the main floor. It makes sense to locate it in a place where you spend most of your time because you will want to make the most of the warmth that it provides. As hot air rises it will be easier to heat the other areas of your home if you locate the fireplace on the ground floor. This is usually the main living area but if your home is set up differently you might wish to look at other options.
To heat the entirety of your home using a fireplace you need to get that hot air moving. Those with a forced air heating system should ensure that they turn on the fans in order to encourage air flow throughout the home. If you don't have this type of heating system you could consider having fans installed in your home. You can choose fans that sit in the corners of doorways to encourage hot air to travel out of the room so that it can warm up areas in the home.
Another modification that you can do to encourage airflow to the upstairs area of your home is to have a pass over vent installed over your fireplace. This will encourage the heat generated by your fire to flow directly into the room above it. Done alongside the installation of fans, this option can give you a toasty warm home, even during the harshest of winters.
Coal and logs are wonderful and cost-effective ways to heat the home. We stock both fuel types as well as other tools to help you build the perfect fire, get in touch to find out how we can help you today.