3 tips to make the most of your log fire
Log fires are one of life's simplest enjoyments. A fire with friends and/or family is sure to lead to a good time in every season (as long as political discussions are avoided, of course).
If you have a gathering coming up and think a log fire might be a good idea, then below are some tips to get the most enjoyment.
1. Safety first
Never run the risk of letting a fire get out of control. There are a few ways you can be safe without ruining the experience:
Use a proper vessel: Chimneys, wood burners, and fire pits are all purpose-designed for wood burning. These will always be safer than setting up a makeshift bonfire on the floor. If you do want a bonfire, start by digging a shallow hole that would fit a mixing bowl, and use this to contain the fire.
Be mindful of your surroundings: It's probably not a good idea to start a fire next to kindling, so instead, look for a nice open spot where there is a minimum of combustible material nearby. Additionally, keep a few feet of the ground around the fire somewhat damp. This will significantly help to reduce the risk of the fire spreading if, for example, your Chimnea is knocked over.
2. Use dry wood
Dry wood burns more efficiently, produces significantly less pollution, and doesn't belch out smoke that will cover your clothes. A properly-fueled fire uses logs that have been drying for a minimum of 6 months. The best firewood has been stored off the ground and protected from the rain while allowing air to circulate. Dry wood won't sizzle as steam escapes, and burn significantly hotter meaning you'll need less wood.
3. Let air circulate
It can be very frustrating to have a fire that's not lighting properly. Perhaps an obvious solution is to pile on more wood. More fuel means more fire, right? Wrong. This is likely to suffocate the fire by preventing Oxygen from reaching the already-combusting material. The key is to start small and grow gradually, leaving gaps through which air can travel.
London Gases are experts when it comes to fire fuel – get in touch today!