All you need to know about coffee logs for home burners
A fuel that reduces landfill waste, burns hotter and more efficiently than wood, can be used in burners and stoves, and offers the faint reassuring aroma of coffee? That’s what Bio-Bean coffee logs are.
What are coffee logs?
Coffee logs are an innovative biofuel solution produced from used coffee grounds from large and small coffee shops. They’re created from the oil derived from your daily americano, espresso or cappuccino!
Bio-Bean says that each log contains the byproduct from 25 cups of coffee. You can burn coffee logs in wood burners or in a multi-fuel stove.
How well do coffee logs burn and how do they smell?
Because coffee has a higher energy content than other fuels, coffee logs will burn quicker, brighter and for longer than wood or coal. The manufacturer of coffee logs says that they burn 20% longer and hotter than wood that's kiln-dried.
Coffee logs are really easy to light and will be ablaze in minutes. Each log will burn for around an hour before additional logs need to be added to the burner or stove.
Naturally, coffee logs create a coffee aroma, but it’s really quite subtle and more like the faint waft you may get when walking past a coffee shop.
The environmental advantages of coffee logs
There are numerous reasons why coffee logs are beneficial for the environment. They’re a true example of circular energy use, where waste products that would ordinarily go in the bin are turned into a fuel source.
The UK generates around 500,000 tonnes of waste coffee every year. It is estimated that using coffee grounds as a fuel generates 80% fewer emissions than if they had gone to landfill. Burning coffee logs releases less carbon into the atmosphere too.
You can even make your own coffee logs at home if you have sufficient waste grounds and rather a lot of patience. But why bother when you can buy these efficient and unique logs to go in your burners and multi-fuel stoves? Check out our range of Bio-Bean coffee logs today.