Planning a family BBQ this summer? Here is what you need to think about!
As the weather gets better and summer starts to enter our minds, many families will begin to think about hosting a BBQ in their back garden. They are not only a great way for your children to enjoy being out in the sun but also give you chance to cook your partner some tasty food on the BBQ itself. Of course, if current social restrictions are lifted as we get fully into the summer months, BBQs are a great way to bring friends and other family members together. Much of the success of any family BBQ is in the planning. Get this right and you will be able to not only cook great food but also have a safe, relaxing time. But what do you need to think about in advance?
Make sure you have fuel
The first thing to think about is making sure you have the right fuel to get your barbie working. For a gas grill, this naturally means you need to buy BBQ gas. If you have a charcoal one, then you need to ensure that you have the charcoal itself plus any kindling or firelighters. Without these essentials in place, your family will not be enjoying any delicious treats at all!
Think about safety
Safety really is key to any successful family BBQ and this is even truer if you have children. It is crucial to check your grill over before using it and also give it a good clean if needs be. This is especially true for gas BBQs which have connections and hoses that must be in good working order. Make sure to position your grill away from anything that could catch fire (like wooden fencing) and away from where children might play.
Food, drink and entertainment
No Summer family BBQ would be complete without great food to cook and refreshing drinks to enjoy. Remember to get these in beforehand though, so you are not rushing around in a panic on the day itself. It is also worth thinking about entertainment – especially if you have kids. Music is always a good option, so it could be worth playing some tunes via your mobile phone (or even via a wireless speaker if you have one).
Order your BBQ fuel from London Gases
As we have already noted, preparation is key to any fun family BBQ this Summer. If you need BBQ gas, charcoal, kindling or firelighters and live in the London area, why not let us help? Our great value fuel and first-class service make us someone you can rely on. Order online today or contact us at sales@londongases.co.uk.