What is beer gas made of?
Beer gas is an essential element for any establishment looking to pull perfect pints. While some beers like real ale involve fewer bubbles an entirely flat pint is considered a failure and lager fans in search of plenty of fizz are sure to complain if their drink isn’t carbonated. As a result, high-quality beer gas becomes crucial. In this blog, we’ll look at what’s involved in beer gas and how its ingredients and their percentages vary between drinks.
Understanding beer gas
Beer gas involves a mixture of Nitrogen gases and carbon dioxide (CO 2) and is used to propel beer. The mixture is employed in a beer system while ensuring beer is kept in equilibrium.
Beer gas is utilised because the more distance travelled, the more pressure must be applied to the keg. A mixture is employed because if pure CO 2 is used at high pressure, the result is over carbonation as carbon dioxide dissolves easily in beer. Nitrogen is an ideal gas to complement CO 2 as it is harder to dissolve and entirely odourless.
What does beer gas contain?
For real ale, brown ale and stouts, beer gas canisters used commonly contain a ratio of around 30 percent CO 2 to 70 percent Nitrogen. Beers using this gas are smooth and velvety with a creamy head. Lagers and cider on the other hand can use CO 2 gas alone, but another method involves using 60 percent CO 2 to 40 percent Nitrogen to serve light and fizzy beverages from behind your bar.
Remember to store your gas safely
For onsite safety, always remember to secure your beer gas canisters to the wall in the upright position, and never lying on their sides. Train your staff member on how to handle and store gas canisters safely as incorrect methods can result in beer being ruined or risks to health and safety.
London-based beer gas specialists
At London gases, we can provide high-quality beer gas to meet your requirements. Whether you are looking for beer gas for your public house in London or expert advice on different products get in touch with our dedicated team today.